=== WordPress Importer === Contributors: wordpressdotorg Donate link: https://wordpressfoundation.org/donate/ Tags: importer, wordpress Requires at least: 3.7 Tested up to: 5.4 Stable tag: 0.7 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags and more from a WordPress export file. == Description == The WordPress Importer will import the following content from a WordPress export file: * Posts, pages and other custom post types * Comments and comment meta * Custom fields and post meta * Categories, tags and terms from custom taxonomies and term meta * Authors For further information and instructions please see the [documention on Importing Content](https://wordpress.org/support/article/importing-content/#wordpress). == Installation == The quickest method for installing the importer is: 1. Visit Tools -> Import in the WordPress dashboard 1. Click on the WordPress link in the list of importers 1. Click "Install Now" 1. Finally click "Activate Plugin & Run Importer" If you would prefer to do things manually then follow these instructions: 1. Upload the `wordpress-importer` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Go to the Tools -> Import screen, click on WordPress == Changelog == = 0.7 = * Update minimum WordPress requirement to 3.7 and ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4. * Fix bug that caused not importing term meta. * Fix bug that caused slashes to be stripped from imported meta data. * Fix bug that prevented import of serialized meta data. * Fix file size check after download of remote files with HTTP compression enabled. * Improve accessibility of form fields by adding missing labels. * Improve imports for remote file URLs without name and/or extension. * Add support for `wp:base_blog_url` field to allow importing multiple files with WP-CLI. * Add support for term meta parsing when using the regular expressions or XML parser. * Developers: All PHP classes have been moved into their own files. * Developers: Allow to change `IMPORT_DEBUG` via `wp-config.php` and change default value to the value of `WP_DEBUG`. = 0.6.4 = * Improve PHP7 compatibility. * Fix bug that caused slashes to be stripped from imported comments. * Fix for various deprecation notices including `wp_get_http()` and `screen_icon()`. * Fix for importing export files with multiline term meta data. = 0.6.3 = * Add support for import term metadata. * Fix bug that caused slashes to be stripped from imported content. * Fix bug that caused characters to be stripped inside of CDATA in some cases. * Fix PHP notices. = 0.6.2 = * Add `wp_import_existing_post` filter, see [Trac ticket #33721](https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/33721). = 0.6 = * Support for WXR 1.2 and multiple CDATA sections * Post aren't duplicates if their post_type's are different = 0.5.2 = * Double check that the uploaded export file exists before processing it. This prevents incorrect error messages when an export file is uploaded to a server with bad permissions and WordPress 3.3 or 3.3.1 is being used. = 0.5 = * Import comment meta (requires export from WordPress 3.2) * Minor bugfixes and enhancements = 0.4 = * Map comment user_id where possible * Import attachments from `wp:attachment_url` * Upload attachments to correct directory * Remap resized image URLs correctly = 0.3 = * Use an XML Parser if possible * Proper import support for nav menus * ... and much more, see [Trac ticket #15197](https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/15197) = 0.1 = * Initial release == Frequently Asked Questions == = Help! I'm getting out of memory errors or a blank screen. = If your exported file is very large, the import script may run into your host's configured memory limit for PHP. A message like "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted" indicates that the script can't successfully import your XML file under the current PHP memory limit. If you have access to the php.ini file, you can manually increase the limit; if you do not (your WordPress installation is hosted on a shared server, for instance), you might have to break your exported XML file into several smaller pieces and run the import script one at a time. For those with shared hosting, the best alternative may be to consult hosting support to determine the safest approach for running the import. A host may be willing to temporarily lift the memory limit and/or run the process directly from their end. -- [Support Article: Importing Content](https://wordpress.org/support/article/importing-content/#before-importing) == Filters == The importer has a couple of filters to allow you to completely enable/block certain features: * `import_allow_create_users`: return false if you only want to allow mapping to existing users * `import_allow_fetch_attachments`: return false if you do not wish to allow importing and downloading of attachments * `import_attachment_size_limit`: return an integer value for the maximum file size in bytes to save (default is 0, which is unlimited) There are also a few actions available to hook into: * `import_start`: occurs after the export file has been uploaded and author import settings have been chosen * `import_end`: called after the last output from the importer Odors | AquaCheck Water Conditioning


Are You Dealing With Smelly Water In Your Home Or Business? Then You Know What A Nuisance And Embarrassment It Can Be!

Determining where the odor in water is located is key to determining the problem.

Does the odor occurs in all the water faucets? The problem is usually in the main water supply.

Does it occurs only in certain faucets? The problems is likely in the fixtures or pipes supplying those fixtures.

Does the problem goes away after running the water for a few minutes? The problem is somewhere in the household plumbing system.

Is the odor persistent? The problem could be the water source or combination of both the water sources and the plumbing system.

Is the odor is only in the hot water? Then problem in most likely the water source and the hot water heater.

All of these problems can be fixed!

Common Odors:

    • Bleach, Chemical or Medicinal Odor – can be removed with the correct type of Carbon – locally we need to use Catalytic Carbon.
    • Rotten Eggs (Sulfurous) – this may be bacterial or gaseous. Determining the form will define the type of filter/UV Light required to remove the problem.
    • Musty, Moldy, Earthy, Grassing or Fishy Odor – Catalytic Carbon and/or UV light.
    • Petroleum, Gasoline, Turpentine, Fuel-like or Solvent-like Odor – if you get your water from a municipal water provider – CALL your provider – if you are on well – have this tested – Catalytic Carbon and Reverse Osmosis is a MUST.
    • Sharp Chemical Odor – Catalytic Carbon and Reverse Osmosis.
    • Other Odors – Contact us for a free test.

    Get Pure, Clear, Odor free water!

    Frustrated by Unpleasant Odors in Your Water?

    Discover Fresh Solutions With A Water Softener And Filter

    Unpleasant odors in your water can make everyday tasks like cooking, drinking, and bathing a less enjoyable experience. However, there is a solution to tackle this issue effectively by utilizing the combined power of a water softener and filter.

    A water softener addresses the root cause of many water odors by removing minerals, such as sulfur and iron, that can create a foul smell. By reducing these odor-causing elements, a water softener helps eliminate unpleasant odors from your water supply.

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